
Cover von Die Ergebnisse des II. Vatikanischen Konzils
Verfasser: Kühn, Ulrich Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Jahr: 1967
Cover von Die Beschlüsse des Konzils
Vollständiger Text der vom II. Vaticanum beschlossenen Dokumente in deutscher Übersetzung
Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Jahr: 1966
Cover von Zur Katholizität der Confessio Augustana

Zur Katholizität der Confessio Augustana

Verfasser: Bernard, Johannes
Jahr: 1980
Cover von From Divisive Diversity to Catholic Fullness?

From Divisive Diversity to Catholic Fullness?

Canon and Ecclesial Unity Reconsidered
Verfasser: Smit, Peter-Ben
Cover von Kirchliche Identitäten und ökumenische Katholizität

Kirchliche Identitäten und ökumenische Katholizität

Verfasser: Plathow, Michael
Cover von The Creed as Basis for the Unity of the Church

The Creed as Basis for the Unity of the Church

Verfasser: Koslowski, Jutta
Cover von Orthodox Understanding of Catholicity as the Wholeness of the Church

Orthodox Understanding of Catholicity as the Wholeness of the Church

Verfasser: Iordache, Mihai
Cover von To be Male is Less Important than It Seems to Be

To be Male is Less Important than It Seems to Be

Catholicity and Gender Focussing ort: the Ordination of Women
Verfasser: Gosker, Margriet
Cover von Catholicity and the Way of Just Peace

Catholicity and the Way of Just Peace

Verfasser: Gehlin, Sarah
Cover von The Church and its Characteristics in the document »The Church« (2013) of the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order

The Church and its Characteristics in the document »The Church« (2013) of the WCC's Commission on Faith and Order

A Constructive Critique from an Evangelical Free Church
Verfasser: Creemers, Jelle